A Sweet Business from Home, is an initiative that seeks to promote the development and growth of people who want to start their businesses through chocolate, thus obtaining alternative income for the benefit of the family group and the local economy.

The program consists of massive training for entrepreneurs, in a first stage, from the towns surrounding our factory (Valles del Tuy, Miranda state), but it is expected to extend it to different regions of the country.

The training is carried out through 3 types of courses, given weekly directly in the municipalities, parishes, community councils and other neighborhood organizations.

Beneficiaries of these training courses have the opportunity to learn a new trade or improve their skills. Once finished, the participants will receive from CIVEN a first provision of raw material so that they can start their projects.

Since its implementation in November 2021, we have served 1,650 entrepreneurs from 4 municipalities of Los Valles del Tuy, in the state of Miranda, and from communities surrounding our Cocoa Processing Center in Tucaní, state of Mérida.

This social effort of Civen is the result of the commitment we have in the development of communities, the promotion and support of entrepreneurs who can become businessmen and the encouragement of the use of quality raw materials produced 100% in Venezuela.