The South of Lake Maracaibo is located between the Colón municipality of the Zulia state and the Alberto Adriani municipality of the Mérida state, in Venezuela.

In this region, Creole cocoa of the Porcelain and Guasare type are mainly grown, which have a very good aroma, appetizing by the great world chocolatiers.

In GUASARE cocoa we find the flavor of nuts, panela or malt and a moderate fruity flavor. In addition, it is appreciated that it presents medium to low values, with herbal, acid and bitter flavors.

In PORCELANA cocoa, the flavors of nuts and panela or malt are the most relevant, while the rest of the flavors remain below the average values, as well as astringency, bitterness and acid defects.


Cacao Río Caribe

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Cacao Carenero Superior

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